An Secondary School Girl Sex survey of high An opinionnaire survey of high school teachers regarding the inclusion of sex education and reproductive health in secondary school curriculum Kaydedildi:. Knowledge regarding reproductive health among school going adolescent of Shram Rastriya secondary school, Chabahil, Kathmandu. Effect of educational intervention on knowledge regarding emergency contraception among girls of higher secondary school. Effectiveness of educational intervention on knowledge about first aid management among school teachers. Awareness of Hepatitis B among government high school students of Dharan before and after educational intervention Yazar:: B. Education material for teachers of midwifery : midwifery education modules. Awareness on mass hysteria among public school teachers of Makwanpur district. A report of knowledge and vaccination practice on hepatitis b among health education teachers in selected schools of Kathmandu Metroplitan city. A study on patterns of tobacco use among school teachers in Mahottary district of Nepal. Curriculum for medicine MD internal medicine. Knowledge, attitude and practice about oral health among secondary school level students of Shree Chandeswori higher secondary school, Nala, Kavre. Knowledge and practice regarding emergency contraception among higher secondary students of selected government schools of Godawari municipality. Effectiveness of information education and communication IEC on menstrual hygiene among adolescent school girls of Jumala district. Assessment of depression and anxiety among adolescent students at higher secondary school. Knowledge and practice of smoking among secondary School students of Kathmandu district. Effectiveness of educational intervention on knowledge and attitude of adolescent sexual reproductive health among adolescents in selected public school, Jhapa. Social inclusion in healthcare: before and after removal of user fees. Comparative study of violence among the secondary level girl students of public and private schools. Gautam, Kamal. Etiketle Etiket eklenmemiş, İlk siz ekleyin!
Science Education, 66, The aim of this study is to investigate the grades 4 to 8 students' attitudes towards science under the 'liking school', 'independent investigator' and 'what I really think of science' titles. The results of the study indicated that students' gender, socioeconomic of their families, their perceptions of their parents' attitudes and their perceptions of science achievements have a significant effects on their attitudes towards science. In pilot study alpha reliability for measurements of three scales was found 0. Anahtar kelimeler: Fene yönelik tutum, fen başarısı, ilköğretim öğrencileri. Tosun, C.
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But in the third factor (self-directed efforts) was a significant difference between sex and students' attitudes toward science and the average of female. 'All primary schools should have a sex and relationship education programme tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of the. ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to examine the peer bullying and victimization levels of high school students with regard to sex. An opinionnaire survey of high school teachers regarding the inclusion of sex education and reproductive health in secondary school curriculum ; Gautam, Kamal.Inquiry-based teaching: An example of descriptive science in action. Notifications View Subscribe. Fraenkel, J. Category 2 Teacher's approach towards us, teacher's behaviors during the class, whether we like our teacher, etc. Lau, W. The study examined the attitudes of students at Adhyaksa 1 Junior High School in Jambi, Indonesia towards science subjects. Implications Since the student opinions on the factors affecting secondary school students' science attitudes are the prominent element in the research results, it is necessary to increase the academic counseling activities on the subject. For the analysis of the quantitative data, descriptive analysis was used. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2 1 , The aim of this study is to analyse the level of scientific attitude of the secondary education students. Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin matematik ve fen derslerine yönelik olan olumlu tutumları ve nedenleri. Developing attitudes towards science measures. Surgery resident learning styles and academic achievement. Recurso Especial com fundamento em divergência jurisprudencial: possibilidade de alteração do paradigma em razão de fato superveniente César Augusto Luiz Leonardo. The results of the seven indicators are the social implications of science, normality of scientists, attitudes towards science inquiry, adoption of scientific attitudes, pleasure in learning science, interest in learning more science, career interest in science, this dominant in the moderate category, which means students are sufficient in learning science. User Username Password Remember me. Journal of Science and Science Education, 2 2 , 72— The participants of the study are a total of sixth, seventh and eighth grade students attending those schools serving to the students with a lower, medium or higher socio-economic status in Aydın. On the other hand, there was a significant difference between the average of the degree of importance of discipline and teacher category according to grade level. ÖZET: Bu çalışma, İlkokul öğrencilerin Fen başarıları ve fen bilimine yönelik tutumları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektedir. Turpin, T. On the other hand, regarding the category of course, which are important predictors of secondary school students' science attitudes, the science course needs to be redesigned in terms of being attractive, entertaining, supportive of choice of profession, and the duration of the course. Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğrencilerin fen tutumlarını etkileyen faktörleri farklı sınıf düzeyindeki ortaokul öğrencilerinin algılarına dayalı olarak belirlemek ve bu faktörlerden oluşan kategorilerin önemlilik derecelerini tespit etmektir. Böyük, U. A study on patterns of tobacco use among school teachers in Mahottary district of Nepal.